The Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE) 1.19.70 update, released on March 14, 2023, focuses on improving Java Edition parity, updating game commands, and introducing new experimental features from version 1.20. Key changes include updates to Wool IDs, horse breeding improvements, mob fixes, and game command syntax revisions.
Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE) 1.19.70 Version Overview
Update Name: 1.19.70 Hotfix (for The Wild Update)
Platform: Pocket Edition (PE)
Version Number: 1.19.70
Release Date: March 14, 2023
Revision Type: Minor Release
Overview: Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE) 1.19.70, released on March 14, 2023, is a minor update focusing on Java Edition parity, updating game commands, and incorporating some new 1.20 experimental features.
Changes in Items
- Updated the Minecraft ID for various colors of Wool (White, Orange, Magenta, Light Blue, Yellow, Lime, Pink, Gray, Light Gray, Cyan, Purple, Blue, Brown, Green, Red, Black).
Changes in Mobs
- Breeding horses now offers a chance for the offspring to have better speed, jump strength, and health than their parents.
- Villagers will emit anger particles when hit by a player outside of a village.
- Fixed the issue where Zombified Piglins spawned in the Nether at light levels above 11.
- Witches will now drink a Potion of Fire Resistance when standing on a Campfire.
- Fixes for horse breeding, horse pushing over carpet-covered fences, Ghast sound volume fading, minecarts ejecting mobs into liquid blocks, and several other mob-related issues.
Game Command Changes
- Updated the syntax for the /fill, /setblock, /clone, and /testforblock commands to use block states instead of data values.
General Changes
- Fixed an issue where night could not be skipped if one or more players were on the death screen.
- Centered eating and drinking animations regardless of screen aspect ratio.
- Bells connected to multiple blocks will no longer drop when one of the blocks is broken.
- Impact sounds from projectiles hitting Amethyst blocks and clusters are now audible.
- Fixes for Note Block sound attenuation, Dead Bushes dropping sticks, and Vine drop behavior.
Check out the full list of Minecraft Pocket Edition versions for all the latest updates and changes.